Pavel Zaněk
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Articles on SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Take a look at the posts on the topic of SEO that I regularly prepare for you.

Google changes visibility of HowTo and FAQ results

Published at 2023-08-09 by Pavel Zaněk

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes


Google has introduced new changes to the visibility of two forms of rich results, namely HowTo and FAQ. These changes may have a significant impact on publishers and webmasters who have relied on these rich results to gain higher visibility in search.

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Title tag: A guide to optimizing titles

Published at 2023-06-14 by Pavel Zaněk

Estimated Reading Time: 19 minutes


The article describes in detail the creation and optimization of titles for search engines, including tips and tricks for their effectiveness. It contains 12 tips for improving titles, answers to common questions, and is a useful resource for improving SEO and increasing website visibility.

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What is structured data and how to use it

Published at 2023-06-07 by Pavel Zaněk

Estimated Reading Time: 14 minutes


Explore the use of structured data to improve SEO, increase website visibility, improve user experience, and support specific types of content. Immerse yourself in the world of structured data and discover how it can contribute to the success of your online presentation.

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What is page indexing in search engines

Published at 2017-11-30 by Pavel Zaněk

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes


Since I still use the phrase "page indexing" in the context of SEO and some of you ask me what page indexing means, I decided to write an article that will explain this term to you. You can have the best websites, but if you don't have them properly indexed, you can lose visitors (your website doesn't appear in search results).

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Keyword Research - The Complete Guide

Published at 2017-04-22 by Pavel Zaněk

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes


"Keywords? Just stuff them into the text, and I'm optimized!" Well, it really doesn't work like that. Maybe it did a few years ago. Nowadays, if you want to work with keywords, you need to learn how to find and use them correctly – and keyword research will help you with that.

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